Friday, January 14, 2011

Re-Boot or Lets try this again...

So where do I start... Here's a good as place as any. I started this blog when i was home unemployed and would post stuff that was happening in my life which wasn't much since I was unemployed. I didn't wanna blog about Don Knotts acting skills or "Why can't i get a job?" endlessly. Then the candy holidays approached (Halloween, etc...) and I got lazy or depressed or something and I forgot about Mr Blog! We lo and behold come February 2010 i found a job!!! Hooray!! It was with the Government and in a field I haven't touched since college so I got busy and busy and busy... Oh yeah and to top it off it was in Las Cruces 34 mi. away from my place! So lets fast forward to now and my life since then whhooooooooooooooosssshhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Lets see...hmmm I now wake the chickens up, my car is falling apart, my son hates school, my ol' lady's obsessed with her ballet folklorico group, I work with super smart people which make me feel like a idiot, debt from my unemployment has consumed me, and I was arrested for the first time! I'll touch on some or all of these in the months to come and not all of it was bad I was just being a whiner, (some cheese to go with that whine please waiter...) I finally got a new SLR camera!!! I lost my love for facebook, I'm finally getting gray hair ( yes that's good ladies... for me at least)!
I'm hoping to write at least 2-3 times a week here but it'll probably be twice. I have plenty to write about cause I'm always in the right place at the right time or the opposite more so! I'm the guy that the mentally ill approach or the cops pull over cause i match the description, and then I'm also the guy that finds a wad of cash in the parking lot with no ID on it or wins the drawing for a lifetime worth of Wonka Bars!
I'll also be posting a lot of my pix on here too for your enjoyment and feedback, please, please with artificial sweetener on top leave comments on my Pix or for that matter my posts! I wanna know someones looking at my meager talent! So pardon my grammar and run on sentences loaded with commas and ellipse's, its how I write...

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