Monday, January 17, 2011

Grocery Hell

OK, so I hate going grocery shopping, it's one of those necessary evils in life, consequently I hate going out for dinner all the time it's boring, expensive and I never get to go where I want. Don't get me wrong I love to cook, it's like therapy for me, I wish I had a shopping service or one of those cool stores like Whole Foods or one of those bad ass HEB's like in Austin TX. Alias I am designated to Walmart or Albertsons. Walmart is HELL... even more so now with all the people from Juarez that have moved over here, but that's a whole new blog.
   If you think about the process of grocery shopping it's mind bogglingly stupid! Let me review: You get the food off the shelves, you then put the food in the cart, you go up and down aisles looking at the food, talking about the food, reading the labels of the food, remembering what food you need. When you finally finish choosing your food you go to the register and unload your food to the convener belt, the cashier charges you for the food, then you put the food in bags and put the food back in the cart. Next you take the food to the car and unload the food from the cart and load the food into your car. Bare with me here we're almost done... Now you drive the food home, unload the food from your car and then get the food outta the bags and finally put the food away! Only to repeat the process all over again in a week or two!
   I used to go grocery shopping at 1:00 am because no one was in the store and you had to weave in and outta the food stockers and drunks looking for that last 30 pack and a family bag of Doritos. Now sleep is more valuable so I try to go in the evening after dinner with all the single moms and old people. I miss paper bags too they were a big part of my childhood, they were the only matching luggage I had, they were a carry all and an arts and crafts necessity! I also miss the old cash register before UPC labels, when you could switch the labels on the food and go to the naive cashier and pay $1.78 for steak!

  I cant leave out my most favorite part, the shopping cart, it was the first vehicle with four wheels that you could drive without permission and then hopping on the back and cruising to your car down the sloping parking lot all outta control! Well I gotta go I forgot something at the store...

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