Saturday, January 15, 2011

Like a Virgin

   "Like a Virgin" yeah and that's how I'll stay, of course I'm speaking metaphorically here (that train has long passed...) I was born a Virgo, I'll die a Virgo! C'mon WTF!!! or as I always say [Hillybilly accent please...] "What kinda Hippy Dippy Bullshit is this!" You know its funny when something like this happens everybody jumps on the bus, me included! I never gave much credence to the Zodiac, when I was younger, Yeah. I used it as a tool to hook up with a girl " We're a match made in the stars!" Other than that I never believed it it all the way, I mean how could a bunch of empty planets, rocks and gasses determine my personality traits!
  I have to admit though I do hold true to alot of Virgo traits though, I am a good teacher and pretty organized at somethings and very critical of people, if that's a good thing? Other than that I'm pretty much a mix-mash of what I ate last nite and how the traffic was this morning. I've never understood how your sign could rule your day or life, we all have that friend who won't do a certain thing that day cause their horoscope told them not to, "Fine, I'll have Chinese food by myself then Mr Aquarius with a bad moon rising"
   Why now,  why was it sooooo convenient to all of a sudden say "Hey, ya know your Astological sign , well we F'ed up, our bad!!!" Did sales drop in those little zodiac scrolls you buy at Circle K or did the new agers and hippies all decide "Hmmmm we better say something already! Planet axis tilt!!! Tilt-schmilt!!! I have the solution I say half the worlds population run to the opposite side of the planet and jump up and down all in unison that'll knock us back into alignment and we'll be back to our original signs, I'll meet you in China, RUN!!!

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