Sunday, January 16, 2011

and I'll see you at the Movies...

   I was having this discussion at work the other day on the topic of going to the movies and how we watch movies. We were talking about 3-D and someone said they can't watch it because all they do is look for the overlap and mistakes in the effect. I quickly responded with my film watching philosophy " When I go to the movies I leave all my film making/industry knowledge at the door and let myself get lost in the film/story." After all that's what we go to the movies for right? To be told a story...
   Well I'm about to embark on that journey. I'm gonna start writing a movie...finally!!! If this were LA It's as common as taking a dump, everyone does it. I've wanted to do this for a very long time now and now events and time have extended their hand and so my journey begins. I have come to the conclusion that anyone can write a film after some of the crap I've seen and boy have I seen allot! I watch everything and now with Netflix on my Wii I see my choice of crap!
  What qualifies me to write a movie? Nothing! Nothing but my ideas on what I think is a good story. When I was teaching I used to teach screenwriting as part of the curriculum. The one thing I drilled through the kids was you have to tell a story, you just can't shoot video off the top of your head or put what you think is cool. There as to be some sorta structure to your story. You know, boy meets girl-boy loses girl- boy gets girl back or some convoluted version of that, as long as there is structure.
   Now days being a screen writer is not easy , you have to be clever and creative in your dialogue and storytelling, It's not easy! But I feel I'm up for the challenge. What am I gonna write about ? Am I gonna use my experiences as background ?  What genre will I write for? These are all the things I have thought about and drove my ideas. Will I tell ya whats it about? As they say in LA "It's an Idea I've had in my head for a while..." Stay Tuned!

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