Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tired of being a "Big Guy"!

   I watch TV sparingly these days I'd rather watch a movie if I'm gonna waste my time. I recently downgraded my cable so now I'm forced to watch network TV and all the other basic channels. The trend I'm seeing allot of now is all these shows about fat and obese people. There's Fat Camp, Heavy, The Biggest Loser, More To Love, Drop Dead Diva, Dance Your Ass Off and the list goes on and on with more shows to come! I could blog about these shows in general and the guts it must take to be on them or about Americas fascination with fat people, but I won't and can't because I too am overweight and that's not fair or right. What brought me to this after watching a "Ton" of these shows was I need to do something about my weight finally and I am. I see men my age on these show severely obese and on the brink of death or dying already and I don't want that! I got my kids to worry about and raise, in fact they even tell me straight out "Dad you're Fat!"
   Losing weight has never been a priority for me because 1. I like food and like to cook,  2. I never cared about what people thought about me and my weight, F-'em if can't accept me for who I am! I can lose weight real easy it's never been a problem for me I just cut back on sweets and fast food and it comes off quick. That's easier said than done though. My kids are my kryptonite, they can eat almost anything that they want and do and nothing happens to them their little bodies burn it off quickly, so they have their little treats lying around and I get into them or they go out for Ice Cream and I get one too! Now that I'm older even if food is in the same room I gain weight, my metabolism has slowed down like a white man in slippers!
But something interesting has happened to me in the past two years,One, I've lost my appetite and I don't and can't eat as much! I used to have the hollow leg syndrome where I could eat two plates of whatever for dinner or a whole Pizza if I was super hungry. Now days I 'm good with a slice of pizza and I serve myself smaller portions at dinner too. I come from two schools, first is the school of "You can't leave unless you clean your plate" now that's a messed up path to obesity, I remember my folks saying , "There's a little boy in China (Africa, India, Mexico, you insert the third world county your folks used)  who would love to eat that cause he doesn't get fed daily!" Well mail it to him cause I'm done!!! Second is "I'm a guy, I can eat whatever and as much as I want whenever I want!" The problem with that is we continue with this state of mind as we get older and wonder "Gosh, why are my pants so tight???" Then to top it off I'm fighting my Native blood, Indians never surrender...
  Which leads my to "Now". I have quit eating candy and all that crap when I'm hungry for a snack, and have got off my ass and started being active again and what do ya know the pounds are coming off! I don't weigh myself, that's too depressing and cruel to your ego, I just go by how my clothes fit and how I feel daily. My goal is to fit back into the size of clothes I wore in college, I know I'll make it! Now If I could just block that Damn Food Network!!

1 comment:

Tuesdaystime said...

This is the story of my effing life. You sound like you're very focused and not deprived. At our age (I did say "our" ....) the exercise is like 50% of it. I'm glad you realize that if for anything you need to be healthy to see your kids grow up and your grand kids. Wayyy too many genetic diseases run in our blood to ignore your health. And lastly... Your mom worries about you. Xo. Tricia