Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Debt Card Roulette

   Convenience is cool, everyday more and more our lives are simplified by technology. I'm not even gonna bother listing all the technical conveniences that we use every day, it's crazy! Well for the past two days I've paralyzed by my debt card... I love my debt card it's all I use, I love the fact that they take it everywhere,everywhere!! I even forgot all about my ATM card until yesterday...
   I got my new Debit card and followed the directions and activated it and clipped my old one up into bite sized bits. All is good as far as i can tell, but nothing is ever easy for me! So here we are at Wendy's (not my choice..) My kids and I order our food, which is a ordeal in itself. I go to pay and give the girl my card she swipes it and waits for the receipt,  it comes up and she says "It was declined sir" Run it again I tell her, she makes a face and runs it again, and once again DECLINED! OK this is the part where the panic and a million thoughts run through your head. "Do I have money in the bank?, Did I put the right code, Did someone hack my card and drain my account?, How much did I spend at the strip club last nite?" Then I glance back and everyone is glaring at me with folded arms and drooling hungry mouths! My son gives out a sigh and my daughters say out loud "Great we're not gonna eat today!"  I quickly dial the number on the card and by some miracle I didn't have to wait, The operator told me I have $5.00 in my account!!!  WTF!!! I though I had at least $ 13.00...  Of course this had to happen on MLK day when guess whats closed?? Starts with a B ends with an ANK! I was pissed my kids were salivating looking at their food wilting on the counter and I had no cash, so I had to whip out the AM EX, damn at Wendy's!! 
  I called the bank this morning and they said "Don't worry Mr Quintana we'll straighten it all  out, sorry about the inconvenience! Yeah right!! Same shit different place and day, this time at Walmart. At least I wasn't embarrassed there, that's old hat at Walmart isn't it, like every 3rd customer!  I had cash this time, I'm a damn boy scout now!

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