Friday, January 14, 2011

The Social Networx

I have lost my love for Facebook... Yes she's now a $4.00 whore, what happened??? I was Mr Facebook I was updating my profile 2-3 times a day commenting and liking my peeps posts and pages and then just like that I didn't love her anymore. "It's not you it's me" I said to her, she beckoned me to come back but alias I would just cruise by or drop by for a ...ehhh nevermind...
   I did the same to My Space, Although I never liked MS from the beginning, it seemed to cheap or High School or something and weird people and kids were on there making all their snide comments and flirtations.I still have my page up I don't know why I haven't deleted it it's  just floating there in "Space" that's not mine anymore.
  OK I admit I still use my facebook page almost daily but I'm not a "Soch" anymore. There are some people on there that are genuinely funny with their daily post and life comments that I have to read them, and I don't wanna isolate myself anymore than I already am from society and the few friends I have so I stay connected and active. I guess as I'm gettin older I long for the old way of socialization as in actually talking to someone face to face but with everyone so far away and busy, busy, busy who has the time. Maybe I should use a webcam and go on one of those roulette chat sites, I'd probably be told "Get off dirty ol' man!!" yeah of course I'd be shirtless...
  So if you see me on facebook I'm there for a reason and not cruising for comments or "Likes" and yes I still "Like" you all very much just not in a Facebook kinda way... Bueno-Bye

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