Monday, February 7, 2011

Stranded at Home

I love a unexpected day off as much as anyone, Well the day-off Gods smiled down on me or laughed and gave me three! Last week El Paso was hit by some freezing ass weather, I mean it was colder than a Mother-in-laws love! Well they cancelled school and my work in a effort to save on power and water, so I was home with the kiddos! I wasn't prepared for this, I had a little food in the house and it was so cold I didn't wanna battle the "Walmarters" so i had to make do. Then to top it off I disconnected my Internet service the day before so I had no Internet, this did not sit well with my kids... My daughters are addicted to pinche Club Penguin, it's like heroin to them! All they do is play that damn game, day in and out it's like their Facebook! They must have asked me 3 million times in the past 5 days "When are we getting the Internet back" I finally started telling them "Never!!!" Then the tears started... Well I put out that fire by taking them to the library on Saturday and they got their fix but still complained it wasn't enough time!
   Then meals were the drama... I forget what it was like to be a kid sometimes even though I act like one half the time! They are always hungry! Always!!! When i was young I made do as a latchkey kid with cheese and crackers and cherry Kool-aid! I was too busy playing and scheming to take over the world... Well my monsters were stuck inside and I guess the cold made them hungry so they proceeded to place their orders. Well I was cooking like an Italian Grandmother! I made Soup, Chili, Stew, Pizza you name it I made it. I let them deal with the snack end and all was good, I did have to brave Walmart though which was full of panicky shoppers acting like the Apocalypse was coming. All the Twinkies were gone...
All and all it was a good time, I got to spend some time with my kids where they had no distractions outside of the TV. I taught my daughters how to play Blackjack and then they proceeded to kick my ass in it. I watched a good documentary with my son called "Waking Sleeping Beauty" about recent Disney animation. We watched movies and hung out, I cleaned my "Hoarders" computer desk, there was so much crap on it I would have won everything on "Lets Make a Deal" !

   The Internet comes back on Wednesday so everything will be back to normal, Ignore Dad, Complain to Dad, Order Dad around.. Oh well at least they know I'm in the room!

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