Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Does it get Colder Than Hell In Hell??

  When did I become such a wuss about the cold??? C'mon I grew up in mostly cold environments, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Virginia. These were all places with four seasons. I liked when it snowed I waited for it and welcomed it. It would be colder than day old penguin shit and it didn't bother me! In fact I used to laugh at people who cried about the cold. I remember living in Great Falls Montana when I was about 9-10 years old. It would snow so much there and we would still have to go to school, my Mom would force open the screen door and me and my sister were wrapped up like those Russian nesting dolls, layer after layer of clothing, it added another 30lbs to us and we would trunge our way to school in 4 feet of new snow. God forbid we miss one day of school!! Colorado was like that too, ass cold! My testicles would become ovaries they shrink up so far into me!
  Taos NM was snowy and cold but not that bad at least not for me, I expected it. At 35 degrees people were still having cookouts and walking around in shorts, flannel shirts and sandals. It was a given living there, besides that it was beautiful with the snow on the mountains and on the broken cars in the driveway...
 I think it started when I moved to El Paso in 1991. I kinda got used to the heat living in Las Cruces NM for 7 years so when I moved to EP no big change 2 degrees hotter! My job was primarily outside. I was a TV news photographer so I was always prepared for the weather. I wore shorts 1/3 of the year and loved it. But about five years ago I noticed I got cold easier, WTF!! Really... If you know me you'd say no way he's a big guy (Im working on that BTW...) I got that Native American physic how could I be cold ??? I caught myself always wearing a hoodie in and outdoors, I would sleep with a blanket in the summer, Hell I even wore PJ's-Star Wars ones of course!! Maybe its age, I remember my grandparents would have the heat on so high in the kitchen you would start sweating the moment you walked in. The heat would hit you like you opened an oven door. They were always cold! I hate that I'm like that now, I'm trying to acclimate myself to it all over again, Losing weight has helped too, my circulation has improved alot.I'm trying to wear smaller lighter jackets and not bake everyone in the house.I'll make do here in sunny EP or where ever the Lord puts me ( Albuquerque, I hope..) but  I wanna retire in Belize !!

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