Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Flu had a "Gripa" on me!

Anyone who knows me knows I don't get sick anymore, I used to all the time, three sinus infections a year and at least one cold! I got tired of it and started drinking 3 cups of Green Tea a day and voila... I quit getting sick, Nothing!!! I was cured It was great I was on a six year bender of not getting sick! Well all good things must come to an end or Karma had its way with me. I got the Flu!! Damn it!!! I felt something coming on last week and was like "Nawwww, Im cool, nuttins's wrong just a little allergy from all that nasty dust! JUDO CHOP!!! I was down like a Lead Zeppelin! Man I had forgotten what it was like to be sick, I was woozy, feverish, vomiting and sweating like Nixon!
   I don't know what happened, actually I think I do. I have been really watching my diet lately I cut eating all the crap like sugar and candy, junk food, sodas and started eating better and less! ( I've lost 15lbs so far) I think it was the less that killed me! I should have been taking a multi-vitamin to make up for all the other stuff I was now lacking in (like Ice Cream sandwiches have a ton of vitamins...) anyway my defenses were down and I picked it up from someone or thing and it had its way with me! I was outta it for 5 days when I finally made it to the doctor on the 3rd day she doped me up with anti-biotic (gimme drugs, gimme drugs...) and I stayed home from work for 3 days, It's the most time ever I've taken off of work for sickness! It sucked, all I did was sleep and watch movies.
Men are babies when it comes to being sick, we whine and complain cause we are used to our mommies or wives coming to our rescue (not at my house...), women tend to suck it up and deal with it. I swear to God this is the last time I'm gonna get sick, I'm going to Sam's and am gonna buy one of those jars of vitamins that's bigger than your head and eat them like their frickin' M&M's!!

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