Monday, October 5, 2009

This is "Hookerween" eh... I mean Halloween!

Why, Why, Why??? Why did Halloween turn on me? Ya know I love holidays ,all of them. It gives us a chance to celebrate or remember people or just relax. So I had been kinda looking the other way for the past five years when Halloween came around, I saw it starting to get super popular, I mean "jagunda" popular, It had kinda came outta the shadows as more than a "Candy" holiday and became a celebration, like Christmas. OK here's where I show my age... (Start "When I was a kid" rave here....) When I was a kid Halloween was spooky and cool. You made your own costume from crap you had lying around the house, you went trick or treating by yourself and stayed out as long as you wanted, you used a pillow case for your cache of goodies and you actually pranked people when they had no candy or weren't home! I could go on and on on what was so cool about it, but that's not the point.
Halloween is now "Hookerween" or " Targetween"! I can't stand the costumes, ALL of them that they sell in the store, but especially the ones where the make the characters/costumes look like Hookers! Since when did witches look like Penthouse models and wear a little more than lingerie! It's the only day of the year a girl has the chance to dress like a total hooker and get away with it, is that it? Then these costume companies have the gaul to make that costume in a XXXL with the same cut and design, so that gives the big girls a opportunity to look like a hooker too, Why??? I mean I wasn't looking atcha' before so I'm not looking atcha' cause you look like Vampira at the Sizzler! Then Halloween has moved into corporate America, everybody wants a piece of the Halloween pie now. You can buy Halloween Ziploc bags, milk, bread, macaroni, tampons... you name it it's branded with Halloween!
I'm not asking for Halloween to be death and monsters and total macabre, I just want it to be fun, mischievous and spooky! Maybe the onslaught will end with the bad economy and people won't buy as much, I hope so! I know this sounds hypocritical but I loved the film Nightmare before Christmas because of it's portrayal of Halloween, It was spooky, sweet and FUN!

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