Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dr. Yoda Cometh...

I don't remember going to the doctor as a kid very much, I was a charter member of the emergency room club though because i was a stupid kid. I've always wanted to shave my head but I know I would look like had several brain surgeries because of the amount of scars on my head, I know, "that explains a lot...!" Well today I had to take my daughter to the doctor because she was sick, so I'm sitting there with all the grandmas and stay at home mommies trying not to stare at their snot nosed rugrats sneezing all over everything and trying to stay warm in the walk-in freezer of a waiting room. Fast forward to an hour and a half later, the nurse calls my daughters name and we are escorted into the defrosting room, eh... ummmm, the exam room, they ask my daughter to change into the exam gown which is a paper type shirt that has the texture of a shop towel and is printed with loving teddy bears prancing about. My son dies when he has to wear this!
Waiting, waiting, waiting... Dr Alva cometh! Dr. Alva is the only doctor my kids have ever known he's about 72 years old and is slightly hunched over like Yoda, Hey you know what he's just like Yoda!!! You think he's crazy and he mumbles but knows exactly whats up with the kids, a master Jedi, he's the best! As I watch him listen to my daughters breathing, he tells her "Breathe in, Breathe out" and it's not till the third time that i catch myself doing the breathing too like I was the one being examined! He asks whats going on and what symptoms she has and mumbles something and I nod my head like I understood and he leaves the room. The nurse re-enters and has a sample swab in hand an without warning jams it up my daughters nose like a unhinged nose miner, my daughter yelps and tears flow, I don't blame her it was kinda rough.
Waiting, waiting... Dr Alva returns and delivers the bad news, shes got the flu. We pay the clerk and leave with suckers and a array of stickers, she's upset but offers me a sucker and the healing begins...

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