Monday, September 14, 2009

Why the Trout???

Coming up for a name for this blog was kinda weird, I mean what do you call something you really know nothing about? I didn't wanna give it a simple name like "The DQ Blog" or sumpin' stupid like that, so I thought what do people do on the Internet that has something to do with me at the same time, well aside from a few rude and em brassing titles I thought " People fish" People love to go fishin on the Internet and see what they come up with and I do it too for relaxing, just like real fishing my favorite pastime and hobby, Hence "The Trout Chronicles"

How often will I write about Trout? I don't know , I don't care, but I will write about all my stupid adventures in my crazy yet interesting life.I promise you I will only write when I think its worth reading, I tend to put myself in situations just so I can see the outcome or just to see how people react, so it should get interesting! I wish I could tell you how often I will update this, again I don't know...blah,blah,blah!!! Check back when you 'member maybe I'll send out a posting update, we'll see...

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