Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why does 32 miles make a difference...

I've lived in El Paso, Texas for 17 years now and before that Las Cruces for almost eight. There's always been one thing I don't understand and can't live with about the differences between the two towns, it's the green chile thing! Why is it that right up the road in Las Cruces; hell, even closer the south Mesilla Valley, you can go to a restaurant and get green chile dishes and green chile served as a condiment ie: pizza/burger topping , but in 90 percent of the restaurant's in El Paso they act like it doesn't exist!
C'mon!!! El Paso claims to be the "Mexican Food Capital of the World" or whatever, and yet when you look for green chile in the restaurant's they say, "No we don't have it" or "It's too hot!" But they eat jalapenos with all their meals and put hot sauce on EVERYTHING !! Is it a Mexican thing or a New Mexican thing, I've yet to figure it out! Oh, and another thing they refer to green chile as "Chile California" yet 95 percent of it is grown in the Hatch/Mesilla/Deming area! This has got to be the most ass backwards town! I would think El Paso would embrace this and feature it as part of their local promotions for the city, but that's thinking progressively... God forbid!

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