Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Squeezing the Trigger

I press down ever so lightly but quickly and click, the deed is done! I've been taking pictures since I was 15 years old, I didn't really know what I was doing till I was 17, but I liked the idea. back then it was film, wait... until eight years ago it was film and I always tried to be frugal with my film, Man, I wanted to put my winder on continuous when I was taking pictures of girls it sounded so sexy and impressive but alas it was always one picture at a time, gotta still pay for that Kmart processing!

My point is because I was cheap, frugal, careful or whatever you wanna call it I always felt you could get your shot in 1-2 pictures, and now that I'm all digital, I'm still that way, sometimes I'll take someones picture and they'll say " Is that it? " and I'll say "yeah", its because Ive spent 45 seconds setting up that "ONE" shot all it takes is 1 or 2 frames and I have it! I'm trying to get better at this, I now will shoot 5-6 to make sure and try different settings.

A friend once called me a purest and she was right I guess, If I could still use film everyday I would, maybe I'm more of a minimalist..after all it's just that one moment were looking for huh!

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