"My phone is not a Toy!!" that's what I tell my kids when they get a hold of my phone. In reality it is a Toy, My Toy! I just got a new Android based phone, it might as well be Crack because "I can't put down the pipe!" It does everything, its so cool... I bet it'll wipe my ass if I find the app for it! I didn't think it was gonna be this cool when I bought it and after 5 hours with it I was walking down the aisle with it.
In reality I hate cell phones! I hate the fact that it's become a necessity! I'm a be there, live in person kinda guy! Being a parent has teathered me to the phone, but I've accepted it and now and live with it.
I love when people buy a new phone it's like when a little girl gets a new Barbie. Man, we buy a screen cover for it and a little case and check on it all the time, we even have a special place we charge it and give it special ringtones and wallpaper. If we could we'd buy it a Dream House and a cool Corvette!
Then a year later we are dropping it, lousing it, bitching about it and it's all scratched up and scuffed and we call it "Stupid Phone!" I bet it's little phone feelings get all hurt, It's like the new Barbie that you had and now is discarded under the bed or thrown in the backseat of the car!
Then the inevitable approaches, The Contact Expiring...
We start spying other peoples phones and find ourselves cruising by the phone carriers store or looking on the Internet. All the time our own phone unsuspectingly thinking everythings alright...Then that day comes. "It's not you, it's me" we inadvertivly tell the phone as we shove it in the junk drawer or worse yet hock it on craigslist or eBay! The cycle starts again...