It's been a long time since I've gotten sick, I took a interest in my health five years ago and started drinking green tea and watching what I eat, I wish I could say I exercise more, but I don't- Wait, if you call chasing your kids around all day and picking up constantly after them exercise then YES! but I digress. Sunday I woke up feeling really bad and ignored it until Mr Toilet's call could no longer be ignored and it came with fury... It was coming out both ends at the same time, I cleansed my colon and then some! How about that bile too, Yum-O! After that drama I passed out for 2 hours only to wake up to my kids waving a KFC drumstick above my nose asking me if I was hungry, those secret 11 herbs and spices do wonders to awaken the nausea all over again, they should use that instead of ipecac! Hence round Two... Back to bed!
Three peaceful colonel-less hours later I reawaken feeling a bit better and decide I need water and some sorta food. I make it downstairs to the pleasant aroma of cold KFC and coleslaw, no repeat! I make myself a bowl of rice and like Cain from Kung Fu I meditate while eating it and and savor every soy sauce soaked grain, alias it stays down!
I don't know where I got this bug, a bad jellybean, tainted lemonade, where ever it came from I sent it home running in fear, I was fine Monday morning , swine flu... come and get me!